Man looks at the outside appearance but God looks at the heart....
There are times that I wonder if janitors, teachers, pilots, physicians and nurses really need uniforms. We often see them in their uniforms and we implied and know for an instance who they are and what are their jobs through their clothes and dress. However did it occur to our mind if their uniforms are the criteria for a better service?
Yesterday I went to the hospital and I happened to noticed that all the nursing staffs and medical personnel there are wearing hospital uniforms and nursing uniforms. Then suddenly I wonder if there is really a need for them to wear their uniforms. Whew! (Just reflecting things out there..hmm..hmm..)
There are actually so many nursing forums who are always debating for what is the appropriate dress code for nurses; choosing between the white nursing uniforms and the solid medical scrubs and print scrubs.
Is there really a need for them to debate over their appearance instead of giving themselves into service with patients? As for me I'm not after the form of these nurses who wear Cherokee scrub tops or Dickies scrub tops, or even these doctors in Meta Uniforms, White Swan Fundamental Scrubs or even in white lab coats. All that matters to me is the spirit of service they are giving to their patients and on how dedicated they are to people. Hospitals and health care need nurses and physicians who are not vain about how they look but these institutions need someone who have the heart to serve and heal those sick.
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